
Category: "Fathers"

  1. The Trials and Tribulations of Buying a Gift for a Man

    Let’s face it, buying a gift for a man can feel like embarking on an epic quest. Think Lord of the Rings, but instead of a ring, you’re hunting for the gift that won’t end up being sold at a car-boot sale. At FROM YOU TO ME, we understand these challenges all too well. So, sit back, relax, and let’s...

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  2. A message for you whilst you're away at college or university

    One minute you’re holding their hand taking them to their first day at school, and the next you’re helping them pack to leave home and head off to university or college. Your emotions are mixed: delighted they’ve got what they needed in their exams; excited that they are about to start the next stage of their life; worried they will...

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  3. Making Memories, Celebrating The Lives Of Loved Ones & Ourselves - Guest Blog By Jane Fletcher, The Art Of Giving

    For this latest post, we’re very pleased to welcome Jane Fletcher, founder of The Art of Giving Community Interest Company, as a guest on our blog. Jane started a small not-for-profit called 'The Art of Giving Community Interest Company' in 2018 creating motivational words and images for community spaces. During Covid, this included sending out thousands of posters to the...

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  4. Do you know your 'real' Dad?

    With Father’s Day approaching in many countries of the world, I have been reflecting on my life as Dad to my daughter who has just celebrated her 11th birthday this month. I can't believe it is June already, and I certainly can't believe she is into her 12th year. Time flies by and it seems to fly by even quicker...

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  5. Happy Father's Day to Inspiring Dads

    We are approaching Father’s Day on June 16th, a date that is also celebrated in many countries around the world, and as a father myself, it started me wondering about my role as a Dad for my daughter, Mila. Am I a good father? Do I act as a role model for her? Do I provide inspiration? As a school...

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