We’ve been thinking a lot about what books have captured our hearts. We’ve asked you what your Once In A Lifetime Read is, but what about ours? As book lovers and storytelling connoisseurs, we felt it was only right to share our team’s top reads for 2024.

A GENTLEMAN IN MOSCOW – recommended by Helen

Helen holding her top reads of 2024 - A Gentleman in Moscow book

I would recommend this book to:



This is a story of personal adaptation, deep sadness, loss, love and taking on unexpected responsibilities. The book is based during the Russian Revolution, when the Bolsheviks seized power ending the rule of the Tsar. Count Alexander Ilych Rostov, an aristocrat during that time, is sentenced by a Bolshevik tribunal to house arrest and a lifetime of confinement in a luxury hotel the Hotel Metropol. The Count is moved into tiny servants’ quarters, but after that, he is left to his own devices.

For the next thirty-two years, the luxury of the Metropol will remain largely preserved, as a place for the new regime’s elite to enjoy the privileges once reserved for the old elite, and as a place where foreign journalists and dignitaries can be entertained and simultaneously spied on. The book tells of his time in the hotel, who he meets, and how he influences them. How he changes, adapts, and influences the people around him. While the country he once knew transforms outside his door, the Count undertakes his own transformation.

Best characters and why I liked them:

The Count is the definite stand out character for me. He is suave, courteous, refined, elegant and charming. I have been just a little bit in love with him!

My thoughts:

The book is beautifully written and has the most wondrous descriptions. This period in Russian history has always interested me so a fictional tale from this era was delightful. The story builds and builds with unexpected happenings and personal rescues.

Best quotes:

“If patience wasn’t so easily tested, then it would hardly be a virtue.”

“And when that celestial chime sounds, perhaps a mirror will suddenly serve it’s truer purpose – revealing a man not who he imagines himself to be, but who he has become.”

“For what matters in life is not whether we receive a round of applause; what matters is whether we have the courage to venture forth despite the uncertainty of acclaim.”

“No matter how much time passes, those we have loved never slip away from us entirely.”

SWALLOWS & AMAZONS – recommended by Neil

Neil holding his top reads of 2024 - Swallows and Amazons book

I would recommend this book to:

All children under 14, plus adults under 105!


First published in 1930, this book describes a simple family childhood with adventures on islands and sailing boats in the Lake District. The days before technology when children played outside, and their imaginations came alive.

Best characters and why I liked them:

Roger, Susan, Captain John, Titty and Captain Flint. The simple family life, all with their role to play.

My thoughts:

This book inspired me to start reading novels, I went on to read the other 11 in the series. It inspired me to live a childhood of exploration, drawing maps, sailing, and camping in the wild. Arthur inspired me to write creatively and was the main reason I passed my English ‘O’ level.

Best quotes & stand out moments:

“Better drowned than duffers, if not duffers won’t drown.” Sent as a telegram (a 1930’s text message) by their father as he agreed to them camping alone on an island.

HONEY GIRL – recommended by Georgia

Georgia holding her top reads of 2024 - Honey Girl

I would recommend this book to:

Young adult queer women.


A coming of age novel that talks about the importance of finding inner peace and making the best decisions for yourself. Grace drunkenly marries a stranger in Vegas and leaves her carefully thought-out life to live with her new wife. 

Best characters and why I liked them:

Yuki Yamamoto, a bit of a slay really.

My thoughts:

Well, I haven’t finished reading it yet, but I already know it’s going to be in my top reads of 2024! As someone passionate about diversity, it was a breath of fresh air reading a sapphic story filled with lots of different cultures. This is what makes a book feel like home for me.

Best quotes & stand out moments:

“It’s too late for coffee.”

THE CUCKOO’S CALLING – recommended by James

James holding his top reads of 2024 - The Cuckoo's Calling

I would recommend this book to:

Anyone who loves a thrilling detective novel with lots of twists.


An engaging and compelling British Detective Thriller, set within the backdrop of London. Comoran Strike is not your conventional detective, and his character adds an extra layer of intrigue. The book introduces disabled war veteran Comoran and his new secretary Robin Ellacott, as they seek to uncover the true circumstances surrounding the death of a young model Lula Landry.

Written by Robert Galbraith, a pseudonym of JK Rowling. This is a beautifully written whodunnit story with many twists and turns to keep you engaged. It also leaves elements of the story untold at the end so that you are led to get the next book in the series.

Best characters and why I liked them:

Both Comoran and Robin have their own separate and complicated love lives, and they're real, gritty characters.

My thoughts:

A great narrative and pace throughout the book, which made for a brilliant read. I thoroughly enjoyed this one!

Best quotes & stand out moments:

“Couples tended to be of roughly equivalent personal attractiveness, though of course factors such as money often seemed to secure a partner of significantly better looks than oneself.”

“Life is full of unexpected twists and turns; it’s how you handle them that matters.”

THE SONG OF ACHILLES – recommended by Tegan

Tegan holding her top reads of 2024 - The Song Of Achilles

I would recommend this book to:

Anyone who loves a bit of Greek mythology and high stakes romance.


The book is based on the Greek mythological tale of Achilles and the battle of Troy. This is a story of love, friendship and bravery told from the perspective of the Greek prince Patroclus, who is exiled from his homeland and then meets Achilles and from there they form an inseparable bond. From meeting as children to becoming adults their relationship is constantly hit by challenges. When Helen of Sparta is kidnapped, the battle of Troy begins. Both Patroclus and Achilles have a big part to play in the war and the cruel fates they encounter bring devastating sacrifices.

Best characters and why I liked them:

Patroclus had to be my favourite character. His considerate approach to life was something I really liked. I also liked Thetis, Achille’s mother. Miller made me despise her throughout the whole book until the very end!

My thoughts:

I really enjoyed this book and its themes. Reading another version and retelling the tale of Achilles was interesting and exciting. The story was told from Patroclus’ perspective this was something I enjoyed, and it added an interesting element to the Achilles tale. I love how you are taken on a journey that explores love, friendship, honour, and the consequences of war.

Best quotes & stand out moments:

“It is not enough to live in others' admiration. You must find a way to live in your own.”

“He burns golden, like the sun. And I am merely a moth, drawn to his light.”

“I would know him in death, at the end of the world.”

TOMORROW & TOMORROW & TOMORROW – recommended by Jess

Jess holding her top reads of 2024 - Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow

I would recommend this book to:

Anyone who likes coming of age stories and beautiful prose.


Sam and Sadie meet as kids, bonding over their love of video games. The story follows their 30 years of friendship and creating video games together. Their friendship is complicated by falling in and out of love, successes, failures and growing up.

Best characters and why I liked them:

Sam and Sadie are morally grey, imperfect characters. Flawed and infuriating, but also loveable and human. They evolve like real people would, for better or worse.

My thoughts:

A well-written, one of a kind novel. Characters are well developed, and you can’t help but not root for them. As someone who has always loved video games, I enjoyed reading about the process behind creating a game and the gaming industry. It made me nostalgic for the 90s, and the video games I grew up with. But beyond video games this is a book about the human experience. It convinces the reader that life with all its trials and disappointments, it's heartbreakingly beautiful.

Best quotes & stand out moments:

“What is a game? It’s tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow. It’s the possibility of infinite rebirth, infinite redemption. The idea that if you keep playing, you could win. No loss it permanent because nothing is permanent, ever.”

That wraps up our team’s top reads for 2024. If you’re looking for inspiration for your reading list, take part in our Once In A Lifetime Read competition to gain access to an exclusive list of top reads, as well as a chance to win a £100 From You To Me Gift Voucher – hurry as last entry is on May 27th 2024!

Grid photo of individual member's of the team holding their top reads of 2024